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We strive to promote community, competition and character. Learn what it means to COMPETE.​ We expect all coaches and athletes to be reliable and dedicate their time to this program.

Our mission is to develop athletic ability, volleyball skill, and healthy lifestyle.  There is more to volleyball than just winning.

Our goal is provide opportunity for both girls and boys to play  competitive volleyball. It does not matter your current skill level, we want you to discover the joy of the volleyball sport! 

Montana Northwest VBC is NOT a non-profit organization. Please keep that in mind for financial purposes. However, we have the ability to  discount families with multiple kids in the program.

Girls & Boys Recreational/Competitive Volleyball

We are located in Kalispell, Montana.

Main Tryouts
  • USAV Teams: November, between State Volleyball and Thanksgiving
  • AAU Teams: 2nd Weekend of January 
Club Season 
January through May (USAV teams on different schedule)
  • Open Gyms: September-November
  • Clinics: December/January
  • Team Practices: Starts February                 
  • Tournaments: Start March

Our practices will be at West Valley SchoolKalispell MS, Bigfork HS, Glacier HS, Flathead HS, Stillwater Free Lutheran Church, or Stillwater Christian

We are proud members of Montana AAU, Amateur Athletics Union and USAV - ERVA, Evergreen Region Volleyball Association

Peter Musick

Peter Musick

Montana Northwest Volleyball Club Director

Phone: 907.227.4264

Apply to Coach for us!

We are looking for more coaches to join our amazing staff! We are in need of more middle school and high school coaches. Please check out our Coaching Staff tab for more details.

Important Athlete Information

Between September and October, please make sure you check out the following upper tabs for more details:
  • Schedule (list of open gyms, tryouts, clinics, and practices)
  • Policies
  • Tryouts 2025
  • Teams (coach/athlete training info)
  • Boys (detail information just for boys!)
  • Apparel (warmups and other fan gear)
  • Before you register, read "Club Checklist" below

Club Checklist

Parents and Athletes: Please read the Checklist prior to registering. It is important that you follow instructions. Athletes who are not properly registered will NOT be able to tryout.

STEP 1: What is Club Volleyball?

  1. Read the FAQs Page 
  2. Double check the Tryout Details
  3. Review the Team & Tournament Schedule (Tentative)

STEP 2: Are you ready for Club Participation?

  1. Purchase AAU Membership - after September 1st
    • MT NW VBC Club Code: W3E67D
    • All athletes must purchase AAU membership in order to participate in club activities.  ($20 + processing fee)
    • This is our national organization for insurance purposes.
  2. Create a Sports Engine Account - PARENTS required!
    • Create with PARENT email login.
    • Athletes use different email login.
    • Click on the link to learn how to create a Sports Engine Account correctly: You can skip to 44 seconds, but it is worth to listen to the whole video provided by ERVA. *The biggest issue is that athletes (minors) are required to be under a parent account. HOWEVER, do NOT purchase any USAV/ERVA memberships.
  3. Register for MT NW VBC Registration 2025 - Link available AFTER September 1st.
    • This is SEPARATE from AAU Membership.
    • This is our online paperwork that must be done for all athletes.
    • Each athlete needs to register only once, whether participating on a USAV or AAU team or just for Clinics/Open Gyms.

STEP 3: Are you ready for Club Tryouts?

  1. $20 AAU Membership completed, print and bring with you.
  2. $20 Club Registration completed, download the Sports Engine App. Athlete account is under their parent's account. -- Parent and athlete accounts are on DIFFERENT email accounts.
  3. Come with water bottle, knee pads, and your own black spandex/shorts.
  4. Arrive 15-20 minutes BEFORE the designated Tryout start time.

Concussion and Sports Guide

Sports and concussions go hand and hand. We can try our best to mitigate them during activities, but they are still bound to happen. It is an important topic for parents and kids as concussions can have long-term effects for athletes. Check it out:

Email Friendly Support

Due to issues with receiving emails from Sports Engine, please copy this email address and save it to your address file. Hopefully, this will alleviate any missing information sent to you.

The email address from my mass emails:

Online Payment Option

Team Payments can be done with Venmo by using @petermusick. Include first/last name of athlete. If fees are taken out, payment will be credited based on what is received after the online fees. We prefer cash or check payment.

Other Clubs in the Valley

Club Organizations

(Columbia Falls) - Jolandie Brooks

(Bigfork/Kalispell) - Mandi Hare

(Kalispell) - Kylie Schlegel

Whitefish Avalanche - Haley Barrile

Independent MT NW Teams

Bigfork 14U - Mackenzie Holton

Montana Outlaws - Dallas Shawback

Beach (Sand) Volleyball

Cold Sand Beach Volleyball - Brad Joregensen -


Sponsored by Glacier Law Firm

Glacier Law Firm

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Thank you Glacier Law Firm for supporting our club program! Through your generous donations, many of our athletes saved a lot of money to get them to their tournaments.

Sponsored by Glacier Acai

Glacier Acai

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Did you know we host tournaments every year. Glacier Acai is one of our amazing food trucks that come to support our athletes and their appetite!

Sponsored by Become a sponsor

Become a sponsor

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Want to participate in your local community? Become a  sponsor for Montana Northwest Volleyball Club and support youth in your area.

Sponsored by Arn's BBQ

Arn's BBQ

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Food Trailer is Arn's BBQ - Authentic Central Texas Style BBQ.  We serve Smoked Brisket, Smoked Chicken, Turkey and all manner of texas style sides. 

Sponsored by The Nut Hut

The Nut Hut

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We purchased the Nut Hut in early 2018, and have enjoyed spending weekends at art festivals and events through the year, and adding espresso to the menu. During the holidays we have loved setting up at many holiday fairs in the area, and as always will be located in the Kalispell Center Mall where we've become known for our distinctive and delicious smell of Christmas. We look forward to getting to know new customers and loyal customers from years past.

Specials Thanks!

Montana Northwest Volleyball Club would like to thank School District 1 and 5 for allowing us to rent their gyms regularly. Thank you West Valley School, Kalispell Middle School and Glacier High School!

We also want to thank Bigfork Public Schools, Flathead High School, Stillwater Christian School, and Whitefish Middle School for opening their gym(s) to us as we host our annual tournaments!

MT NW VBC partners with amazing businesses. Supporting our local businesses give us a stronger community! We are grateful to partner with Glacier Law Firm, The Nut Hut, Western Outdoor, Norm's News, Glacier Acai, and Arn's BBQ.

If you would like to partner with us as well, please contact us! No donations needed, but happy to advertise your business alongside ours. Thank you! Peter Musick, Club Director